Monday, September 30, 2019

Locarno Honeymoon

So called because the pacts of the mid 1920s were intended to introduce a period of calm to Europe. It was eventually realised that some of the policies made during this time were in reality unproductive. â€Å"The agreements [of the Locarno Treaties] were greeted with wild enthusiasm all over Europ, and then reconciliation between France and Germany was referred to as the ‘Locarno honeymoon’. Later, historians were not so enthusiastic about Locarno; there was one glaring omission from the agreements – no guarantees were given by Germany or Britain about Germany’s eastern frontiers with Poland and Czechoslovakia, the very areas where trouble was most likely to arise. † Lowe, Norman. Mastering Modern World History. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Print. The Locarno agreements: Date: 1925. Countries involved: Germany, France, Belgium, Britain, Italy. Aims: Britain and Italy would help Belgian and French frontiers against German attacks. And also help German frontiers against French agrresion. Tried making a more friendly attitude between countries, and tried to make closer relations with Germany. Supported Germany to join the league of nation, even though many countries objected so it did not happen immediately. Also to add: The Locarno honeymoon (1925) Temporarily resolved the conflict between Germany and France – Provided hope all across Europe of a long lasting peace – Also a false sense of security – Germany accepted its borders with France and Belqium as permanent. These borders were required by the UK, France, Germany, Italy – Seen as a great step towards long lasting peace – Britain and Germany did not guarantee it would help secure the borders of Germany with Czechoslovakia and Poland. This gave Germany the message that they c ould do whatever they want with no consequences

Sunday, September 29, 2019

African American Social Standings Essay

This research paper will discuss the African American social standing in America throughout history. It will discuss the highs and lows and the pros an cons of the progression and also the different periods that African Americans lived through since they were brought to America. The progression of African Americans in America began with a practice called slavery. Slavery is the state of a person who is the chattel of another. It began in 1441 when Portuguese men kidnapped 12 black Africans from Cabo Blanco and moved them to Portugal. This opened the door to slavery in the Americas. A British statesman stated that â€Å"Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil. † The first African Americans slaves in America were brought to Jamestown, Virginia as servants and or slaves in August 1619. In order for slavery to work Africans had to made to seem inferior, one of the main an most common ways to show this was through religious racism ( Aretha, David pg. 21 ) The practice of slavery was then sent to the south were they were put on plantations. Plantations consisted of a large mansion like home surrounded by a large farm where slaves planted and harvested crops and performed other jobs which they weren’t paid for. While on the plantation the slaves called the owner Master or Mistress, they provided the slaves with food housing and clothing. ( David Brion Davis, World Book online†¦ Slavery) While on these plantations many of the slaves faced severe consequence for disobedience. They received consequences for not working hard or fast enough, they would also be used as an example in order to control the others. Their harsh punishment would include branding, whipping, mutilation, chaining and sometimes the harshest punishment of all cold blooded murder. Slavery was one of the worst periods in American history. During this period of slavery there were few revolts but many runaways. While slavery continued to spread and get more brutal in the South, the North disagreed with the idea of free labor. Their difference fueled the abolitionist movement. The Abolitionist Movement was the first movement that lead to the African Americans’ political and physical freedoms from slavery. â€Å"Antislavery activity began in colonial days. During the 1680’s, Quakers in Pennsylvania condemned slavery on moral grounds. In the late 1700’s, several leaders of the American revolutionary movement, including Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry, spoke out against slavery. † (David Herbert Donald, World Book Online? Abolitionist Movement). During the start of the movement there were almost no public newspaper that publicized the abolishment of slavery. William Lloyd Garrison, an American journalist and abolitionist who became famous in the 1830 for denouncing slavery, published the first issue of his abolitionist newspaper The Liberator January 1st 1831, which was at that time the first Abolitionist newspaper. The reason William Garrison published the newspaper was because he was tired of the other methods that many abolitionists had tried. Garrison said slavery should be ended immediately. Another front runner during the Abolitionist Movement was Sojourner Truth. She was an ex-slave and also one of the main figures in the fight for women’s rights and equality. On January 1, 1863, the Abolitionist goals were reached when President Abraham Lincoln the 16th president issued his Emancipation Proclamation. It read that â€Å"all persons held as slaves† in rebellious states â€Å"are and henceforward shall be free† (McPherson, James M. World Book Online? Emancipation Proclamation. ) . Around the same time Congress passed the 25th Amendment into Constitution which therefore abolished slavery. Months later it was ratified. Following the Emancipation Proclamation, The North (union) and the South (confederate) began a civil war which lasted from 1861 to 1865. The war ended with many of the major cities in the South in ruins and most of the Northern cities left untouched. The Reconstruction period in the U. S followed the Unions victory over the Confederate Army in the civil war . The period was used to rebuild the south and patch-up the relationship between the North and South. Along with rebuilding and patching up relationships, the North sent teachers to the south to educated the African American ex slaves who had became newly members of the society. The teachers taught ex slaves reading, writing an arithmetic. The Reconstruction Act called for a new Constitution to be established in each state. It also gave Freedmen the right to participate in voting. The 14th Amendment was also passed and ratified during the Reconstruction period. â€Å"The 14th Amendment granted full citizenship to all people born or naturalized In the United States of America . Many of the laws passed during this period were set in place to protect the rights of former slaves, such as allowing blacks to vote an giving them many of the same rights as whites and protecting things dear to them such as property and money. During this period many advancements in society were made by African Americans, such as the Self-Leveling Table created by Charles William Allen , the corn planter check rower by Ralph W. Alexander and the spark plug by Edmond Berger these are only three of the more than 200 inventions/advancements made by African Americans during the reconstruction period. These African Americans, lead professions even when high limitations were placed upon them. (Aretha, David pg. 61) Advancements like these opened the door and let people know that African Americans were not incompetent but could actually make a difference in the world. Even though laws were set in place many southern whites still did not want to think an ex-slaves as anything close to equals. This lead to much violence and death of both whites and former slaves. â€Å"In time, southern whites regained control of their state governments and took away many of the rights that blacks had won during reconstruction. â€Å"( Stephen V. Ash, Work book online? Reconstruction). After the Reconstruction period ended and the North soldiers returned back home, which left ex slaves with no form of protection lead to extreme backlash against the African American community by whites. Following the Reconstruction period Jim Crow laws came into effect. Jim Crow laws resulted from the support southern whites and their effort to maintain segregation of blacks. These type of laws plagued the United States during the 19th century. The first type of Jim Crow law was set in place in Tennessee which called for the separation of African-American and white riders on the railway. This practice was soon adopted by other southern states. The spread of segregation laws through the South was supported by a many Supreme Court decisions. â€Å"( Joe R. Freagin, World Book online? Segregation) The Separate but Equal Doctrine arose during the period in which Jim Crow laws were on a rise. The Separate but Equal Doctrine stated that African Americans were equal to whites but should be kept separate from whites. The separate but equal doctrine was totally incorrect. For example Blacks and whites were separated in schools but the white schools had busing an the best books and teachers on the other hand the black schools had run down classrooms and unacceptable books. Blacks and whites were also separated in eateries, the White restaurants had the best locations and best accommodations on the contrary the black restaurants were small and modest. â€Å"Most of these Jim Crow laws were declared invalid by several Supreme Court decisions in the 1950’s and 1960’s and by the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968. † ( Alton Hornsby, World Book Online? Jim crow) During the 1950’s the Civil Rights Movement took flight along with desegregation. The Civil Rights Movement was just that a movement towards civil rights which were stated to be â€Å"The freedoms and rights that a person may have as a member of a community, state, or nation. † (Bruce Allen Murphy, World Book Online? Civil Rights) The first major event of the civil rights movement was the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown vs. Board of Education, which desegregated public schools across the nation. Schools in the south were very slow in changing their ways and violence usually erupted when black students tried to register. Then, in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, a seamstress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus. After she was arrested for breaking the law, the Montgomery Bus Boycott began, For 382 days, from Dec. 5, 1955, to Dec. 20, 1956 blacks refused to ride Buses and carpooled to destinations. It ended Dec 20, 1956 with the Supreme-Court-ordering desegregation of Montgomery buses. The boycott brought fame to a reverend named Dr. Martin Luther King. During the Civil Rights Movement the most effective way to get things done many believed was through non violence. Non violence was not just a way of acting but a state of mind and doctrine which Martin Luther King Jr. took from Mahatma Gandhi he stated that with non violence you can move mountains. Some methods they used to get their point across were sit ins, boycotts, marches and public speeches. Although many activist believed in non violence there was another side to the Civil Rights Movement and that was the Black Power Movement. The Black Power Movement was a more radical movement than the Non Violent Movement. Front runners like Malcolm X and other influential faces such as Huey P. Newton and Bud Siegel who together formed the Black Panthers all believed that the white man was the problem and that in order to win equal rights that African Americans needed to start fighting fire with fire and bullets with bullets instead of the more passive ways of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. ( Aretha, Chronicles pr. 261-300) In conclusion I believe that the law has provided African Americans with equal rights as whites but I believe that they may still appear not to be equal. In the 21st century I believe and know that there are many laws that seem to make African Americans and white equals but there is still much discrimination in the world. I also believe that the racism is not as bad but still exist, it just isn’t as blatant and in your face as it was in the past. African Americans still have trouble getting jobs, being accepted into organizations and colleges or university, But I do believe that we have made a 900 degree turn from the time where â€Å"Colored† and â€Å"White† signs decorated the front of every doorway, restroom and waterfountian in the southern U. S.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Article Review

This article tells us that nowadays, people and Industries do not really care about the sustainability of the resources they have exploited. The profit to be made is comes first There are three types of resources; they are renewable resources, partially renewable resources, and nonrenewable resource. Regardless the types of resources, the exploiting agents have their own obligation. Industries may get an enormous pront by xploiting the fossil fuels; but, It Is killing softly the environment of our planet. 5. What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article? Based on my analysis, what the writer tried to say s that human, ds the actor behind the exploitation of natural resources, is actually attached responsibility. If people want to take something trom the environment, It means that they also have to do the planetary liabilities For example, for those who make their living from theoretically renewable resources, they have to ensure that the resource Is actually enewed. e. Olve your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review. Now, I already know how to have a good way on taking responsibility to the environment. I think this article Is clearly described what we have to do to the environment as our planetary liabilities. We are not allowed to exploiting the natural FORM-2 Faculty Class Emotional Intelligence Patricia Holt 3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article. I have chosen this article because the topic of the article is interesting me. I like topic about psychological research like what this article is talking about. I also interested with the statement of this article which says: emotional ability is more important than IQ in determining an individuals success in life. . Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about. This article explains about the famous impulse control test at a San Fransisco lecture by Daniel Goleman, called The Marshmallow Challenge. He did an experiment that involves a kind man, four-year-children, and some marshmallow during the 1960s. The experiment was continuing dozen years later and he got a result: some chil dren who had resisted eating the marshmallow and waited for the promised double prize were clearly more socially competent than the others. He also stated that if the emotions stored in the brain are those of restraint, selfawareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, hope, and optimism, then we become endowed with an emotional intelligence which is good. analysis, the writer of this article tried to explain about recent discoveries in brain esearch that prove emotional stability is more important than IQ in determining an individuals success in life, as stated early on this article. People who are better in emotional intelligence are more sociable, confident, and have a better strength on facing difficulty. 6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review. I think this article gives us a very important fact that maybe not everybody knew. Now, after read this article, I guess we have to develop our emotional intelligence our intelligence quotient (Q) for balancing our mind.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Religion Experience Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religion Experience - Research Paper Example The aim of the festive is tom prepare Christians through prayers, repentance and may be fasting before the actual celebrations of the suffering, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This work is about Lent and all it entails to the Christian community. Christians believe that Jesus was crucified and died on Good Friday, He was buried but on the third day, Easter Sunday, he resurrected. The festive is commemorated in different ways by different Christians. Majority engage in self-denial like fasting and abolishing the luxurious life as away of humbleness before the actual Easter. This usually lasts for about forty days (Catholic University of America, 2003). Other Christians walk around their religious institutions carrying the cross to feel or rather appreciate the pain and suffering the Christ went through for the sake of mankind. Some remove costly decorations from the synagogue and replace them with pinkish religious status to represent the general pain Christ underwent. Some also restrict themselves and families from meat; this is because meat is considered a luxurious meal. Some churches also mobilizes their members to attend some sessions is about seven churches located in Jerusalem, specifically in Mount Calvary. This is to acknowledge the life of Jesus Christ when H e was on earth. Some Christians commemorate the festive as the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting and praying. Fasting is a very important aspect in a Christian life, it is meant to weaken the flesh and strengthen the Spirit and this can be indicated when Jesus refused to turn the stones into bread as the Satan commanded, this was because he was weak in the flesh but great in the Sprit. The modern Christians set side this festive season to separate themselves from their busy career schedule and live as Christ commanded. The main themes observed during the festive are fasting and abstinence from certain worldly meals and luxuries. The forty days are marked wi th mix up reactions depending on what a particular religion group believes in. Some abstained from animal products like meat, milk or even blood but instead depended on fish, chicken or eggs. Some survives entirely on bread that is prepared without yeast. This is because this kind of bread is treated as pure, yeast symbolizes impunity or sin. Most Christians serves only during the mid night during the festive. Religious researches indicate the distractions attributed by nutritious food like eggs, meat, milk, butter and other dairy products. These foods are rich in protein which in turn boosts the reproductive systems in human. Too much consumption of such food activates sex drive in the body system and this is distractive to prayers and fasting among other Christian values and believes. However, this is greatly opposed by religious groups who depend solely on such dairy products like milk and butter. Rouen Cathedral is known for its butter production and it would make no sense if th eir butter would go to waste in the name of celebrating lent. There are several considerations put in place to determine the duration of the festive by different religious groups. It is recorded in prophetic books written by Moses that Jesus would was in the tomb for three days, approximately forty days. Different groups of Christians have different interpretation with respect to this duration. The Romans initially fasted for three weeks but later lengthened this period for about 6 weeks. This difference in the way of celebrating the season is a subject of free will in the interpretations of the Bible. In other words, different groups of Christians interpret the Biblical contents differently and there is no offence in this. Some Christians baptized their followers or believers during the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Idea of Being A Fan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Idea of Being A Fan - Essay Example However, fans in reality play a much deeper role, since they are placed as a great resource within the retail outlet sector, and are especially targeted to play their role within the mechanisms of consumer culture (Hills 3). When many fans come together, it is known as a fan base or fandom. As far as society goes, in order to provide for economic growth, a number of monetary and fiscal policies must be implemented (Lipsey et al. 445). Therefore, through the mass movements in money due to fan activities, society benefits as a whole thereby further creating developments. I remember in particular when I was a big fan of the musical band, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I was so fascinated and inspired by their works that I decided to pick the bass guitar to mimic their style and also in the hope of making it big myself. I attended a couple of their concerts, which was truly an amazing sight, and purchased most of their merchandise. Indeed, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers did influence my way of living and my mannerisms, as well as my wallet. Eventually, their music became monotonous and so, I moved on to another genre of music where I became a fan of many other bands, namely Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin. Fans, in my mind are not completely influenced through the activities of their â€Å"idols†. There are various other psychological factors that are implemented into manifesting a fan base. For example, when it comes to sports fans, various techniques may include higher fan expectations for an event, pressurized competitive environment, individualism, new technology, time pressure, paradox of commercialism and many more (Rein et al. 9). Indeed, a fan in any field is a highly prioritized commodity. If you ever view any of the music awards, you will always notice the winner thanking their â€Å"fans all over the world†. It may be so, that we are all fans of one thing or another, even though we may not consciously aware of it. In fact, it may

BUS 670 WEEK 1 DQ 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BUS 670 WEEK 1 DQ 2 - Assignment Example In addition, independent businesses may benefit from it since when a business owner happens to pass on their business at death, the basis of the income tax will probably â€Å"step up† to the death value date. Moreover, an advantage is accrued because the entity owner’s family can freely sell it exclusive of capital gains. Further, there exists a possibility of the income tax basis being carried over in a situation where the owner provided the business to their family as a gift (Parrish). According to Gwen Seaquist in the book â€Å"Business Law for Managers† some of the benefits/merits that can accrue from capital gains lies in the fact that it provides a more favorable and encouraging federal tax rate of 20%. This includes both married and individual tax payers. A business’ capital gain gets reaped by the business in a K1 â€Å"pass-through† taxation form that normally is issued by LLC or an S corporation to transfer the profits to the individual owners rather than the company. Seaquist, however, as a drawback implies that since the investments exists on the company’s records or books, a more complex and detailed accounting may be needed. This could result to the delay of finances or tax returns of the company. Additionally, it becomes crucial for one to consult their accountant in order to consider how their sale’s timing may impact on their financial/tax processing. Parrish, Steve. â€Å"Zero To 60: What Business Owners Need To Know About Capital  Gains.† Forbes. 30Th January 2013. Web. 22nd January 2015.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Degree in a Language Other than Ones Mother Tongue Article

Degree in a Language Other than Ones Mother Tongue - Article Example When the entire coursework one has to read and comprehend for the degree is in a language other than one’s mother tongue, it calls for an extra effort to see to it that everything is properly understood. It is definitely going to be tougher task than reading study materials in one’s own language. One has to assume that the student will be tested to have basic proficiency in the medium of instruction in which the degree is to be studied. However, a basic proficiency in the language may not be sufficient to follow different registers of the language. A degree course will necessarily feature a lot of specialist vocabulary that the student is supposed to pick up fast. For a foreign user of the language, it may take double the time to pick up such specialist words, since their explanations will also demand a working level knowledge of the language. This may in fact lead to initial hiccups which would dissuade many students from continuing the course. They may feel left out f rom the group of students who are more proficient and at ease in the medium of instruction.The problem mentioned above can in fact be overcome and turned into a benefit if the student is willing to dedicate quality time in enhancing her/his knowledge in the language simultaneously with the work done for the degree course. At least two dictionaries could be used to meet the challenges of the new language– one dictionary gives explanations of the words in the new language to the students mother tongue, and another dictionary gives simple explanations of the words in the new language

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Reflective on Senior Portfolio inTowson University Assignment

A Reflective on Senior Portfolio inTowson University - Assignment Example I have produced a term paper which directs on the New Mexico Medicaid and its Modernization Plan and an in-class presentation on cultural competence. On the paper, I only scored 85% due to the fact that I fail to correctly gather the entire relevant issues imperative for a correct interpretation of the study. On the oral presentation, I scored 90.3% partly because of partial mastery of the topic and certain demonstrations lapses like the lack of eye contact. Reflecting on these selections, I realized how important it is to be thorough, complete and all-encompassing in analyzing a particular issue. Professionally, working on these projects triggered my critical thinking skills needed in order to assimilate all possible aspects of a particular issue with the aim of delivering more accurate, comprehensive and wide-ranging interpretations and inferences that will serve as a focal point in making more effective solutions and developments. Further, the selections taught me the importance o f preparedness, self-confidence, and profoundness in terms of the knowledge about the topic to facilitate the delivery of an informed, knowledgeable presentation. The opportunities that were offered to me during the entire duration of my Master’s degree work, and the chances presented to me to work on the many societal issues related to the administration of health sciences, were all expansive and thought-provoking. Nevertheless, the learning that I received from my professors, classmates and my research projects widened my understanding about health administration by allowing me to directly experience the administrative practices involved in the research projects, by working together with professors, and most importantly, by reflecting on my personal encounters. Today, there are numerous cases of sexual relationships thriving in our society; in fact, they are proliferating in acceleration. This is a problem that has been existing for so many years, and yet because of the typ e of government we are living in, prostitution cases has continued to shoot up. It is an imperative societal problem that needs to be addressed as this destroys the lives of many young individuals who were unintentionally impregnated due to certain causes. These particular grounds triggered my interest in knowing the different causative factors encompassing the issues of promiscuity in relation to the activity of parenthood. As a result, I have conducted a study on the related pieces of literature pertaining to The Jamaican Adolescent study and one literature review on Father Presence matters. These selections capture my analytic abilities as it requires thorough and inquisitive scrutiny on the possible reasons why many young children, especially adolescents are indulging in oftentimes pre-marital sexual intercourse which according to my research and many other studies, promiscuity in children is attributable to the poor â€Å"father presence† during childhood. In conducting this study, it is important for me as a researcher to develop profound knowledge and sharp analytic expertise on the different overlapping issues and parallel studies that can be related to the topic at hand.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Monet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Monet - Essay Example Bearing in mind how all these painters elaborated their strongly personal manners relating to the new imaginative ideas, one notices that the new aspects appeared most frequently in the work of Monet to be captured by the other Impressionists including them as ideas or as explicit methods and applying them in their own ways (Monet biography,, Monet, Monet's father wanted him to go into the family business of trading in grocery supplies but Monet (the second son of Claude-Adolphe and Louise-Justine Aubre Monet) wanted to become an artist and was admitted in the Le Havre secondary school of the arts in 1851 after his family shifted at that region. He was not a typical, good student in school. He had said, "School seemed like a prison and I could never bear to stay there, especially when the sunshine beckoned and the sea was smooth." He always drew funny caricatures of his teachers. He always got in trouble for his drawings, but he became very good at them ( It was Eugene Boudin Boudin, his early mentor, who used to draw his sketches outdoors that pushed Monet to do the same. "Suddenly the veil was torn away.... My destiny as a painter opened out to me," he later said. For the next 60 years Monet delved into the effects of light on open-air scenes (plein-air landscape painting). He was the first artist to let his f irst impressions remain as finished works, rather than as "notes" for doing work inside the studio. (House, 1998, Monet bio, After his mother died when he was only 16 years (in 1857) he left school, went to live with his childless aunt. His family was not very happy about his occupation as a painter. In 1860 he was conscripted and had to go to Northern Africa for two years. After his return he took a trip to Paris to visit the Louvre Museum copying old masters and took painting lessons at Gleyre's studio in Paris wher he got to know Auguste Renoir, Sisley, Bazille, Pissarro ,Edouard Manet.and others. The basis of the future Impressionist movement was built. Monet liked to paint water, the way colors reflected in the water and boats, seas, and lakes were some of his pet subjects, so much so that after he married in 1870 (he married his favorite model Camille, whom he painted in Women in the Garden), and settled in Argenteuil, he fixed a boat with an easel and painted his way wavering down the Seine River, seizing his impressions of the relationship of light, water and surroundings. The boat served him as h is floating studio where he kept paints, brushes, canvas, and drawing materials (, Colors in plein air Soon, Monet averted from the conventional style of painting inside a studio and with his new friends went outside in the Fontainebleau forest to paint in the open air. Albeit Monet painted outside, he never found it to be easy. Every time, more or less, he painted outside, a bit got glued to the wet paint. If he was in the wilderness, sand and rock would get attached to his paintings. In the forest, leaves and other things would fix to his

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Increasing Rate of Minors Who Engage in Smoking Essay Example for Free

Increasing Rate of Minors Who Engage in Smoking Essay The purpose of this research is to identify the percentage of minors who does engage in smoking, to have this idea of how minors take this unhealthy activities that sabotage their life as well as their future, not only that, we also want to make people realize especially the teenagers that taking and engaging in these activities does not help them to be a better person as well as a healthy human being. The very purpose of our research is to stop minors in engaging into these activities by picturing to them that with these, their life would be nothing because this is not good in their physical body, but also mentally and emotionally. 1.2Context of the Study These minors usually live in a complicated life where they are facing a lot of problems and even things that makes their mind chaotic. Those things that are happening around them, those people who are engaged in smoking can also trigger them to be a smoker. 1.3Problem Statement 1.3.1Main problem Smoking is one of the means of people to channel their depression. It is 1.4Significance of the Study The study will provide guidance to minors for them to be aware of the possible negative effects of the vices that they are in. Especially college students who are always hanging out in clubs, always drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking and even using illegal drugs. This will enable minors to become more conscious about their health and stop engaging in these activities that will make their life miserable. 1.5Delimitation of the Study * College students of Central Philippine University 1.6Definition of Terms Vices – are bad habits that he/she is not aware of it. Smoking – is the act of burning a cigarette and inhaling its smoke to experience stress relief. Alcoholic beverages – are alcoholic drinks that are drunk by people for recreation purposes. Minors – are the respondents of the study. 1.7Assumptions It is assumed in the study that: * Respondents will answer the question honestly and accurately. * That attitudes of respondents are good. 2 CHAPTER 2: LIERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The commercial vices are gambling, prostitutions, and drugs. The appeals of the commercial vices are so strong and widespread that attempts to prohibit them to western countries have always failed. ( Social vices are forms of evil, wicked and criminal actions or behaviours in the society. These are social problems and have been thought of as social situations that a large number of observers feel are inappropriate and need remedying. Social vices are those acts and conditions that violate societal norms and values. ( People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users’ start before theyre 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. Thats why people say its just so much easier to not start smoking at all. ( Alcohol or â€Å"booze is widely used by young people. Around 90% of Australian teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. Estimates suggest that around half of teenagers over 14 years drink alcohol at least weekly. Binge drinking, drink driving and unsafe sex can also result from the misuse of alcohol.†

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Performance Measurement In Business Logistics Commerce Essay

The Performance Measurement In Business Logistics Commerce Essay Performance measurement can be defined as the process of quantifying effectiveness and the efficiency of an action (Neely, Mills, Platts, Gregory, Richards, 1994). Given the lack of any universally definition for performance in the organizational literature, it should not be surprising that extant literature offers many ideas about the dimension that ought to be incorporated into a conceptualization of logistics performance. One of the best examples is the framework where physical distribution effectiveness is defined as the extent to which distribution programmes satisfy customers [Rhea Shrock, International Journal of Logistics Management, 5, p. 3. supply chain management encompasses the logistics management which plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirements(Anonymous 2002). Performance measurement in the logistics functions, like starts at the individual metric level. Because of the great abundance of metrics already in existence there is forceful need for a method with which to evaluate the existing metrics. Quantitative and Qualitative measures are the two basic categories of Logistics indicators. Qualitative measures include such as product quality, customer satisfaction etc. and quantitative measures include such as order-to-delivery lead time, cycle time, flexibility, resource utilization, delivery performance, etc. Non-financial and financial are two broad categories of Quantitative metrics of supply chain performance. In fact, in the late 1880s return on investment (as a financial measure) was the main emphasis. (Schermerhorn et al.,, 2000). However as the second progressed during 1980s, the world market changed and overseas competitors began to take market share from the domestic and national companies who were unable to provide higher-quality products with lower costs and more diversity. National companies shifted their strategic focus from cost production to quality, flexibility and short lead time, as non-financial measures to gain the competitive edge in the market (Stewart, 1995). Business logistics performance metrics could also be classified as Operational Day to day technical representation developed schedule adherence avoiding complaints defect free delivery Inventory carrying cost(Levy (1997); Lee Billington (1992) Information carrying cost (Steward (1995) Tactical purchasing order efficiency Cycle time procedures booking Cash flow, Quality assurance flexibility transportation cost Capacity Strategic Rate of return on Investment Total cash flow time lead time comparison Quality level and quality assurance cost saving supplier pricing measuring against market(Gunasekaran et al. (2004) query time The critical elements that form the basis of logistics management are time, distance and money. Some utilization, productivity and effectiveness metrics used in the logistics management are: Dimension Metric Example Utilization Actual input/norm input Area of warehouse occupied/ total area Productivity Actual output/actual input Ton-miles delivered/cost incurred No of orders processed/ no of hours of labor Effectiveness Actual output/norm output No of shipment on-time/no of shipment sent Utilization measures: They are used to track the use of input resources in process. In logistics, input could be characterized as financial, physical assets or inventory. Utilization metrics include the following: Spending measures Purchase price variance Distribution cost as percentage of sales Variance of transportation cost from budget Non financial resources measures Usage ratios Amortized costs Inventory measures Static metrics (capture level of inventory expressed in physical, financial or other terms) Flow metrics (capture speed of inventory as it flows through the system over a period of time) productivity measures Partial productivity measures (SFP-single factor productivity ratios ) Total factor productivity measurement Financial productivity measurement (ROI-return on investment )( (Frameworx, 2005) Effectiveness metrics Order fill rates( order filled /orders requested Line item fill rates( total line items not filled / shipped in time per period Damage rates (line items damaged per order) Order cycle time (elapsed time between receiving request and delivering order) Delivery or transit time (elapsed time between readying order for shipment and delivery order)( DfT, 2004) On-time ( orders shipped on time or orders received by customer on time ) Perfect deliveries (orders received by customers with no logistics service fullness) Importance of performance Measurement The importance of measurement is everywhere as you get what you inspect, not what you expect. Hence, the importance of performance measurement cannot be denied. Therefore, to evaluate work done and to direct the activities metrics are required ((Melnyk et al. 2004). . Pressures (globalization, severe competition, and changing customers needs) are significantly driving force in the present era requiring the organizations to re-focus on utilizing of people and resources based on organizational objectives. A performance measurement system is needed to evaluate the resource utilization so that the organizations can strategically manage and properly control. It has been pointed out that in order to take action for ensuring desired results a performance measurement system is essential tool of controlling process. (Schermerhorn and Chappell, 2000) Measuring performance is necessary, because of the following reasons (which vary from organization to organization) are 🙠 Parker (2000) Success identification Measuring whether they are fulfilling the customer requirements; Help them understand their processes: Problems bottlenecks waste, etc. Identification Making sure that decisions are based on fact, not on supposition, emotion or intuition; and Disclose improvement planned, actually happened. Case Example To fully utilize the performance measurement system of logistics a firm has to implement latest technological infrastructure so efficient logistics operations could work flawlessly. Here we examine the case of Transcom Inc. that is a known to be the one of the leading edge a distributor of seals and bearings in Burnsville, Minn. it has successfully enhanced its performance measurements in its supply chain operations through implementing and incorporating latest technological measurement tools in its supply chain operations. Transcom was able to find numerous ways to speed up the order-to-ship process and reduce costs through this strategy that is through effectively measuring the performance of the logistics operation with the help of appropriate technology. Analysis of performance data resulted in improved inventory control, increased product turns, increased shipment volumes and reduced line-item labor costs. Implementation of technological performance measurement tools increased the not only efficiencies of Logistics such as efficiencies in our distribution center but also created efficiencies purchasing, inventory control and customer-service departments. (Dennis Bollinger 2006) Conclusion: The a firms approach in establishing logistics measurements system does not matters a lot as the real value come when the information is acted upon to align the effectiveness and efficiency of the logistics process performance to value the customers. The role 3PL can have in your success is dependent on when you start measuring your logistics performance (james S. Keebler and David A. Durtsche 2007). One of the logistics challenges is that organizations have to be more responsive, with high levels of flexibility in delivery. The emphasis should be on processes and performance rather than on functions and profit. The competitive battleground will be in the fields of quality, productivity, speed and innovation. Progress towards performance excellence will be aided greatly by relevant and integrated measurement frameworks and models (Christopher (1994).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hamlet: The Theme of Having A Clear Conscience :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Hamlet: The Theme of Having A Clear Conscience The most important line in Hamlet is, "The play's the thing, wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." (II, ii, 617). In the play, the issue of a clear conscience forms a key motif. When the conscience of the characters appears, it does so as a result of some action; as in the case of the aforementioned line, which follows Hamlet's conversation with the player. This line is of particular significance because it ties action and its effect on the conscience of the characters. The nature of Hamlet is conscience, and action plays an important role in creating the development of the plot. No where is this development seen clearer than with Hamlet. The Prince's development comes as a result of the self-evaluation of the actions that have taken place, and the ensuing actions that he takes are a clear result of this self-evaluation. So, in essence, the actions cause him to think of his conscience and then act upon these feelings. Hamlet's several soliloquies are a testament to this method. His first soliloquy, following a conversation with his recently wed mother and uncle reflect the uneasiness he feels. He feels betrayed. "O, most wicked speed, to post, with such dexterity to incestuous sheets. . . but break my heart, for I must hold my tounge." (I, ii, 156-159). Hamlet's conscience tells him what is wrong-in this case, the hasty marriage-but he is ambivalent as to how to approach it; before he meets the ghost, silence is his method. When Hamlet meets his father's ghost however, he feels sure of himself, and knows what he must do. As a result of the dialogue with the ghost, Hamlet's conscience makes him feel that revenge is the best method to deal with the problems that face him. The consciences of Hamlet, and to a lesser extent, Claudius, affect their decisions in the play. However, both characters only question themselves after they have been prompted by some specific action or dialogue. By self-evaluation, the characters then make the conscious decision to take action with their feelings. An example of this is at the end of act II, following Hamlet's conversation with the player. In the soliloquy to end the act (whereupon the most important line is derived), Hamlet questions his passion for the plot he has planned, and his conversation has clearly affected this ambivlance. However, after mulling over his passion- or lack thereof-towards his plot, Hamlet ends the soliloquy determined to carry out the play. Hamlet is questioning his allegiance to the "pact" he made with his father in Act I, but by the end of the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Defining Leadership and Management Essay -- Leadership Management

This essay will focus on the meaning of leadership and management, why the two concepts are often used interchangeably and which one is the most relevant in the Tourism Industry. In order to answer these questions, it is necessary define the two terms providing evidences and arguments from different authors about the characteristics, roles, similarities and difference. In conclusion after look at all the different points of view, this essay will evaluate the importance of each term in the context of Airline and Airport Industry. The leadership is complex and can be defined in different ways. The term comes from the combination of two separated words leader and ship, and appeared in the early nineteenth century (Gill, 2006). Antonakis et all (2004) suggest that leadership can be interpreted the influence that one person has on other people behaviour or actions. One comes to think that leader is a person who is in control of a group or team in organisation, the leaders stimulate and motivate the team in order to give a grateful contribution to the organisation for achieve a better results. This is confirmed by Murphy (2004) who said that leader act as a guide, looking at individual behaviour, also they help organisation look after staff, they inspire and stimulate individual contribution on the development and success of the organisation. There are greater interest in know if the leadership is something nature, people born with, or is something that people need to learn. Support for this Adair (1997) suggests that normally the organisation expected that, a leader need to have certain basics qualities before became a leader, but also is something that people can learn from experience or training. There are certain qualit... ...lso most important managers or leaders need to be concerned on the importance related their communication with staff. A defence of this argument Gill (2006) suggest that â€Å"leadership and management can be approached in different ways based on different models of managing and leading†, but a good managers need to understood, exercise and appreciate the leadership responsibility that is expected of them. Works Cited †¢ Adair, J. (1997) Leadership skills. 1st ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). †¢ Antonakis, J. Cianciolo, T. A and Sternberg, J.R. (2004)†¦. 1st ed. London: Sage Publication. †¢ Gill, R. (2006) Theory & Practice of Leadership. 1st ed. London: Sage Publication. †¢ Grillo, J. (2010) the difference between leadership and management [online] available at: [accessed: 08/11/2012].

Origin Of Sony Essay -- Sony Corporation

Founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in 1958, the Sony Corporation has come a long way since its first transistor radios. Being innovative thinkers, the founders realized a need for a global brand with mass appeal. Hence, as the company grew, it was simply logical to establish production facilities in their respective regions. Since its inception, very few have been able to match Sony's track record for invention and innovation. These include the first Trinitron color television (1968), the color video-cassette (1971), the renowned Walkman (1979), the world's first CD player (1982), the 3.5-inch floppy disk (1989) and many others. THE GUIDING VISION The origin of Sony goes way back to May 1946. Back then, its original name was Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo K.K. (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation). The founders, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, wanted a name that can be easily remembered by the world. This was essential to achieve success in the global market. Their vision was for Sony to become an endearing household name across the globe. With this in mind, Morita came up with the term 'global localization' in 1988. He said, "In this day and age, many companies are pursuing globalization, but instead, we should move ahead with a policy of global localization, meaning that we set down roots and truly become an integrated member of the local community." Sony's mission is to establish an 'ideal' factory that puts emphasis on the spirit of freedom and open-mindedness. A place where designers and engineers can work out their creative and technological skills to the highest potential. THE ESSENCE OF SONY Sony's assets are neither its buildings, nor its land. Sony's greatest asset is the image of the four letters: S-O-... ...sed MMU seems to be a custom effort by Sony and has no integrated memory. Both CPUs contain 16KiB of two-way set associative instruction cache and data cache respectively. There is additionally 16KiB of scratchpad RAM which, while faster than main RAM, is not nearly as fast as the integrated cache. The 166 MHz graphics chip has 2 MiB embedded memory and through its 512 bit interface provides hardware polygon and NURBS rendering, hardware directional lighting, clipping, environment projection and texture mapping, texture compression and tessellation , fogging, alpha blending, depth and stencil tests, vertex blending for morphing effects, and dithering, all in 16 or 24 bit color. The graphics chip also handles image output. Specifications state that the PSP is capable of rendering 33 million flat-shaded polygons per second, with a 664 million pixel per second fill rate

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Xacc 280- Week 7 Check Point Ratio

Calculations- Liabilities and Assets for PepsiCo Inc. based on their consolidated Balance Sheet Current Ratio= 10,454 (Current Assets)| = 1. 11%| 9,406 (Current Liabilities)| | 2005 2004 Current Ratio= 8,639 (Current Assets)| = 1. 28%| 6,752 (Current Liabilities)| | | Vertical Analysis- 2005 %= 1,716 (Cash, and Cash Equivalent)| = 0. 054 or 5. 4%| 3,1727 (Total Assets)| | Vertical Analysis- 2004 %= 1,280 (Cash and Cash Equivalent)| = 0. 46 or 4. 6%| 27,987 (Total Assets)| | Horizontal Analysis- 2005 (10454 (total current assets 2005) / (8639 (total current assets 2004) = 1. 2101| Or 21%| Horizontal Analysis- 2004 (9404 (total current liabilities 2005) / (6752 (total current liabilities 2004) = 1. 393| Or 39%| These analysis show: that the PepsiCo has had an increase in assets by 21%, with an increase in liabilities of 39%. This is a result of the company obtaining more liabilities. | Calculations- Liabilities and Assets for Coca-Cola Co. based on their consolidated Balance Sheet 2005 Current Ratio= 10,250 (Current Assets)| = %| 9,836(Current Liabilities)| | 2004 Current Ratio= 12,281 (Current Assets)| = %| 11,133(Current Liabilities)| | Vertical Analysis- 2005 %= 4,701(Cash, and Cash Equivalent)| = 0. 1598 or | 29,427(Total Assets)| | Vertical Analysis- 2004 %= 6,707(Cash and Cash Equivalent)| =0. 133 | 31,441(Total Assets)| | Horizontal Analysis- 2005 (10250 (total current assets 2005) / (12,281 (total current assets 2004) = 0. 8835| Or 83. 5 %| Horizontal Analysis- 2004 (9,836(total current liabilities 2005) / (11,133(total current liabilities 2004) = | Or 88. 35%| | | These analysis show: that the Coca-Cola Co. have had a decrease in assets between of 83. 5%, and more of a decrease in liabilities of 88. 35% between the years 2004-2005.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Philosophy Final Essay

In the Philosophy, Determinism has many different categories. Actually according to the textbook, the Determinism is the view that every event, including human actions, are brought about by previous events in accordance with the natural laws that govern the world. Human freedom is an illusion. Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza does not deny that people’s wishes and desires will lead to the soul, and he said, â€Å"but neglected one important factor†, that is, in Baruch's view, â€Å"the will† or we could call it the freedom of choice, is also determined by another factor.Meanwhile, this factor is again determined by another factor, â€Å"and then another, then another, and thus infinite persistence. † Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher, who has the same opinion with Baruch, wrote that, â€Å"We all believe that we are born to be free†, â€Å"But afterwards, we will be surprised to find ourselves that we are not free at all, but subject to th e necessities†. In other words, Baruch gives the view that man is not free, and Schopenhauer finds the reasons of why man is not free. While considering the strengths of the Determinism, the Determinism can be said to be the pioneer of the science.The Determinism argues that everything in the world is in some kinds of causal relationships; all the movements of the world are determined by natural laws. Once we know the causes, we will definitely know the results. Because of this, science experienced a huge development. For instance, Newton’s calculation of planet motions makes it possible for us to accurately predict the foreseeable future. Under this circumstance, the world is like a clock, and it seems like man could know everything in the future. However, it is not quite like this.I think the Determinism ignores a very important factor, which is human’s role in this process. Human factors are involved wildly in human behaviors and various social systems, includ ing social laws and religion doctrines. Just like what I mentioned previously, scientists believe that the human life is pre-determined and human’s behavior is inevitable. They consider that if someone has all the information of one person, he or she may get to know how he or she is going to change in advance. But from the point of view throughout the history of human society people often turn to emphasize personal responsibility.Law and legal penalties for criminals act based entirely on the idea of individual â€Å"free will†. Most Jewish and Christian also believed that individuals should be responsible for the crime and suspects should be punished. We can imagine a psychology professor who believes determinism would say to a student: â€Å"You have to concentrate to your study, otherwise you will get nothing! † You can see the contradiction of human behaviors from this typical and ironic statement above, and notice that there exists a deviation between theor etical knowledge and actual human behaviors.At the same time, the Libertarians believe that people have â€Å"free will†, and there are no such inevitable results of those behaviors that are controlled by â€Å"free will†. Libertarianism has different meanings in different academic fields. From the general level, the libertarianism refers to people’s ability to decide whether or not to do something according to their conditions. Or in other words, according to the text book, it is the view that humans are able to make authentically free choices that are not determined by previous events in accordance with the natural laws that govern the world.In other words, given a choice, â€Å"we could have done otherwise. † There is a â€Å"Brake theory† that belongs to the Libertarianism argues that the actions under â€Å"free will† are cases of â€Å"actors causal relationship†, that is, from an actor leads to a result. In other words, a liber tarian is likely to emphasis more on subjective randomly selected without external oppression, and any random selection reflects a kind of chance. However, once the people make choices under their â€Å"free will†, relative to the present results, the past is always a choice determinant.Just as the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle's â€Å"Battle of the problem†, although in the â€Å"Today† perspective, whether the naval battle will occur â€Å"Tomorrow â€Å"cannot be determined, but if we guess that â€Å"Tomorrow † the naval battle will occur, and the naval battle actually took place the next day, then we look from â€Å"Tomorrow † to â€Å"today†, the result is inevitable established. John Locke, a British philosopher, even thinks that, â€Å"If a man describes the will as ‘free', that person is guilty of a ‘category  mistake',† and he also believes that the freedom is a power belongs only to the actors.Thomas H obbs, another British philosopher, also considers the â€Å"free will† as an â€Å"absurd language†. He believes that the freedom is defined by the will. As a result, the freedom cannot be used to describe the will, and I think this is the biggest weakness of the Libertarianism. For Compatibilism, according to our textbook, it is the view that all events, including human actions are caused.However, we can consider human actions free if they are a result of internal motivations, not the product of external influences or constraints. I think, first of all, we should be clear that there is no absolute freedom. Any freedom should be based on a pre-determined range. As far as I am concerned, reality problem is made of all the options provided in some choices, and the so-called freedom is to provide more options for those choices, or we can say it expands the scope for choice.So based on this fact, we could summarized that, any freedom has the will as its boundary, in other words, the freedom is limited by the will, and definitely it cannot describe the will itself. Furthermore, the freedom of choice exists only in a moment, and it is a property of action’s initiation process. Once a choice is made, there is no meaning for the freedom at this moment. For each choice it provides, determinism is there. In fact, each of these options we have at the choosing moment is associated with one or few past factors, and even we can say that those factors determine the existence of this option.But for the selection process contains all those options, the concept of the â€Å"free will† can also exist because every option is inside the range of choice, and each choice is the result of chance. For example, if life is seen as a string of pearls, each â€Å"free will† can be expressed as the choice of each pearl and all those pearls could form the causal chain, which reflects the Determinism. Overall, I think the Determinism and the â€Å"free wil l† cannot be separated.Determinism offers countless possibilities, and the â€Å"free will† can be expressed in those choices under such possibilities. Personally, I would say the Compatibilism the one I like the most and I think it ought to be correct in the real world. The reason is that, first, just like I said, there is no absolute freedom. Everything can be interpreted differently by using different perspectives. Second, please don’t forget or underestimate the power of humans inside these decision making process. Human have learning  skills and we could get experiences from the past and use those to guide the future decisions.This is a reflection of the Determinism. However, things are always changing. The problem you faced last time may or may not be the problem you have at this moment. Just like Heraclitus said, â€Å"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. † That’s why the â€Å"f ree will† also exists and it might lead you to another new option you have at this moment. This is a reflection of the Libertarianism.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Benefit of Pilates

The Benefits of Pilates A refreshing mind-body workout Pilates gets your mind in tune with your body. By emphasizing proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and complete concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you become acutely aware of how your body feels, where it is in space, and how to control its movement. The quality of movement is valued over quantity of repetitions. Proper breathing is essential, and helps you execute movements with maximum power and efficiency. Last but not least, learning to breathe properly can reduce stress. Build strength without â€Å"bulking up† – gain long, lean muscles and flexibility Conventional workouts tend to build short, bulky muscles – the type most prone to injury. Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured. Develop a strong core – flat abdominals and a strong back Building on the principles of Joseph Pilates, Pilates exercises develop a strong â€Å"core,† or center of the body. The core consists of the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spine. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle. Create an evenly conditioned body and prevent sports injuries In conventional workouts, weak muscles tend to get weaker and strong muscles tend to get stronger. The result is muscular imbalance – a primary cause of injury and chronic back pain. Pilates conditions the whole body, even the ankles and feet. No muscle group is over trained or under trained. Your entire musculature is evenly balanced and conditioned, helping you enjoy daily activities and sports with greater ease and less chance of injury. Be confident and safe No other exercise system is so gentle to your body while giving it a challenging workout. Many of the exercises are performed in reclining or sitting positions, and most are low impact and partially weight bearing. Pilates is so safe, it is used in physical therapy facilities to rehabilitate injuries. And be challenged Pilates is also an extremely flexible exercise system. Modifications to the exercises allow for a range of difficulty ranging from beginning to advance. Get the workout that best suits you now, and increase the intensity as your body conditioning improves. Learn efficient patterns of motion Pilates exercises train several muscle groups at once in smooth, continuous movements. By developing proper technique, you can actually re-train your body to move in safer, more efficient patterns of motion – invaluable for injury recovery, sports performance, good posture and optimal health

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Health Care Communication Methods Essay

Communication Coordinators manage their company’s communication strategies. This includes internal (coworkers) and external (public) communication methods. They are in charge of releasing information and responding to any inquiries regarding the information. Communication Coordinators also manage event planning, communication budgets, and social media outlets. For this paper, I will assume the role of Communications Coordinator for a national drug manufacturer named â€Å"Pharmaco†. One of our medications at Pharmaco has recently been reported to cause significant negative effects among those prescribed. The medicine known as â€Å"Olaz† is prescribed to a large number of people. To make matters worse, there have been reports that a well-known public figure is counted amongst the effected. Negative feedback from this figure could lower the public opinion of Pharmaco and damage the company’s credibility. As Communications Coordinator, I am tasked with the r esponsibility of addressing news reports and the general public regarding the situation. Communication comes in a variety of forms including traditional, electronic, and social media. These forms all have their advantages and disadvantages. Each form must also adhere to rules and regulations such as the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Traditional media encompasses a wide range of communication mediums. This includes newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards, direct mail, radio, and television. Most of the population will at least encounter one of these mediums during their day. Traditional media is advantageous because all of the mediums are one way forms of communication. This would give Pharmaco the ability to send a message to the public, without having to answer any questions immediately. While public interaction is inevitable, traditional media would allow time in-between delivery and feedback. This would give Pharmaco time to collect and prepare for public interaction. With traditional media it would also be fairly easy to adhere to H IPAA regulations because all the information delivered is scripted. Pharmaco  would have plenty of time to review the information and check for errors. This reduces the possibility of giving private information to the public. The disadvantage of traditional media is closely related to its advantages. Time in-between delivery and feedback can be costly. During this time the public could use other forms of media to discuss Pharmaco. Without the ability to defend itself, negative public opinion could increase. This in turn brings us to our next media type. Electronic media is a more advanced form of communication compared to traditional. It is also more interactive than traditional media. The most common form of electronic or â€Å"digital† media, is the internet. The internet is often utilized similarly to traditional media. Electronic media is advantageous because of the ever growing popularity and usage of the internet. People are now accessing the internet in the home through a fast-growing range of games consoles and Wi-Fi enabled tablets, smartphones and laptops, giving rise to a trend of â€Å"multi-screening† (Internet Usage on Rise, 2014). Broadcasting information with electronic media would extend Pharmaco’s audience. More people could be reached. Plus, it would be easy to keep information updated. Of course, it should be remembered that this type of media allows the public to be more interactive. Pharmaco must be aware of those who use computers to collect private material; hackers. We can create our own website that will allow us to interact with the public, however there is a potential for hackers who would aim at stealing our private information. They could even manipulate our site into giving out incorrect information. Furthermore, providers are subject to far more rigorous guidelines when patient history information is in electronic form (HIPAA Compliance, 2003). If we choose to use electronic media, it will be imperative to protect private information. This way we can abide by HIPAA regulations. If Pharmaco’s website is compromised, then there is the possibility that patient information could be a s well. Pharmaco should also consider social media. Social media is interaction between the public that takes place in virtual communities or networks. Two of the largest used social media websites on the internet are Facebook and Twitter. Both of the mediums allow users to stay in constant connection with one another. With social media Pharmaco would not have to worry about digital storage of its information. Everything we would want to express would be stored on someone else’s network. Social media would also allow us to stay  in constant contact with those that â€Å"follow† or â€Å"subscribe† to us. This is advantageous because it would give us the ability to instantly address public concerns. Coincidentally, the disadvantage of social media is the need for constant reviewing and updating. Furthermore, as with all forms of media, HIPAA regulations must be kept in mind. If we choose to use social media, HIPAA compliance must be addressed so that our company does not commit a violation. Patients should understand that personal health information should never be posted. Considering all the information that h as been reviewed, I suggest that Pharmaco utilize traditional and social media. First and foremost, the public needs to be addressed. A statement should be given to the press. The statement should let the public know that we are aware of the reports. It should also contain a sincere apology to all those who affected by our medication. The message should also inform the public that we are doing all we can to correct the situation. We should also have a forum where the public can go to ask questions. This is where I suggest social media. I believe Twitter would be the best way to go about this. Twitter would allow us to be brief and stay in constant connection with the public. It’s important for the public to feel as if we are always available. I also think it is best not to have a means of personal electronic media (website). All the information that could be related on our website can be just as easily relayed on social media. Furthermore, I find it beneficial to not broadcast a public address (I.P. address). This would only act as a gateway for a system that would ultimately be connected to our patient health records. With social media key staff should be selected to serve as the program’s page administrators; these people will be the gatekeepers for access to the program’s page (Walters-Salas, E., 2012). I also suggest that updates only be done twice or three times a day. This will allow us to control the conversation, rather than being continuously dominated by the public. Plus, it will allow page administrators the time to perform their normal tasks. In regards to the well-known public figure, we should not mention them in any of our communications. Patient information is private for everyone. We also don’t want to appear bias or more concerned with a single person’s condition. Our messages should constantly address those affected as a collective whole. I believe that this strategy is the best way to address this issue. I have identified the advantages and disadvantages of traditional, electronic, and social media. Private information and HIPAA regulations have also been addressed. My reasons for selecting my strategy has also been stated. This is a delicate scenario and it’s important that Pharmaco address it appropriately. References Bendix, J., M.A. (2013). New HIPAA rules. Medical Economics, 90(9), 14-16,18-20. Retrieved from Brown, J. (2013). How to master electronic communication with patients. Medical Economics, 90(7), 60-2, 64-7. Retrieved from Du Pre, A. (2004). Communicating About Health (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill HIPAA compliance. (2003). Corrections Forum, 12(1), 15-16. Retrieved from Internet usage on rise. (2014, Jun 25). The Advocate Retrieved from Walters-Salas, E. (2012). Social media and HIPAA compliance. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care, 7(2), 85-86. doi: Weinstock, B. (2003). HIPAA and computer security. PT, 11(7), 30-33. Retrieved from Wendling, C. (2013). The use of social media in risk and crisis communication. (). Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Retrieved from

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Evolving State of Healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Evolving State of Healthcare - Research Paper Example pent more on health care that any other nation, despite the enormous expense of health care, the universal standards of health such as life expectation and infant mortality are not as elevated as those of different nations (Simon, 2010). Nevertheless, things have changed since the Obama administration took over power. National health insurance plan administered by the federal government as a substitute to the private health insurance is due to be proposed by President Obama. In essence, the congressional leaders argue that by reducing the cost of healthcare, universal health insurance plan will actual reduce the national arrears. Health care crisis in America is marked by three dimensional challenges; one is the escalating costs of health care, the restricted access to care and its threat to retirement security (Simon, 2010). First, the escalation of the health care caused by quick change from the usual reimbursement system to a capitation system which is more of cost sharing than the insurance having to cater for all medical bills to the extent of forcing doctor to attend on patient partially hence not genuine medical cover. Second, is that not most people are able to access to care because they are not well up. This means that preventive care is basically non existence to them and they can only attend to medical care when critically ill and require urgent and pricey treatment. (Simon, 2010). Third, is the growing cost of the health care as compared to the incomes of those who pay for it. This makes the standards of living and economic security of those people who retire at more risk. Universal healthcare coverage is being considered by a number of nations so as to ensure that all people are placed into one medical consideration. This kind of health care will ensure that people will no longer be oppressed by the privatized healthcare systems which are inefficient, costly and at times

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Internship experience Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Internship experience - Term Paper Example This report develops a sense of women entrepreneurs on the basis of both current and academic literature reviews. In both cases, limited information and the unavailability of statistical data were the core problem to carry out the project. Gathering information from women is as difficult as MENA (Middle East and North Africa) due to cultural constraints. Many of the businesswomen do not operate their business publicly and cannot register their business officially. Design: Due to the lack of statistical data and difficulties in Arabian society qualitative research based methodology is considered here. The research comprised of 30 in-depth interviews with Saudi women entrepreneurs who were identified through referrals from my supervisor Marwah Asilan (Director of Chamber of Commerce and industry). Moreover the hypothesis of this project is also formed on the basis of some books like Global Empowerment of Women by Carolyn (2013) and Saudi Women by Fatany (2007). Purpose: The empowerment of women in different sectors is my area of interest and the subject of research. However due to lack of information in entrepreneurs’ business practice several questions regarding the survival and growth strategies, their perception of entrepreneurial carriers have yet not answered. To address this gap this study is done by me. The main purpose of this study is to examine their motivating factors, perception and business challenges. Findings: There is a Saudi chamber of Commerce and Industry in each major business center in Saudi Arabia. In Madinah this institution specially focuses on the formation of female oriented jobs. It provides helpful networking opportunities for women to the job market. Being a member of this organization I have also tried to find out some possible job opportunities for them. Here I have considered married women with their children and they operated service business. The business included spas and beauty salons, a computer graphic and repair shop, market consultants, public relations. All women had college education. In these findings some strategies are suggested that will motivate the women to be entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia. This research is evaluated on the basis of some questions. These questions were set up on the basis of their financial achievement and satisfaction from their working experience. The study has also emphasized on the problems faced by them being inhabitants of this country. Implication: The main constraint of this study is the limited source of data. A more extensive research is needed and the research area should have a number of dimensions including the selection of industries and countries. My role as an intern was to help the organization lay the foundation for women empowerment. Some advantages of the women entrepreneurship are as follows. Women become interested to pursue higher education. The females of new generation are more concerned about their valued in the society. The government has taken an initiative step to encourage the entrepreneurial women and has opened separate financial institutions for women. Unlike some countries they can easily get informal credit that helps them to explore their business. There are also some disadvantages. The women need male permission whenever they are going to take participation in the job market. Though the government has already taken some steps but it is not

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Goal to Eliminate Economic Inequality Assignment

The Goal to Eliminate Economic Inequality - Assignment Example Although the focus of one country may vary from another, economists and government policymakers continue to work on policies to achieve these goals. The goal to eliminate economic inequality is one of the many established objectives focused not only within a single economy but also the whole world. Economic inequality is seen in both microeconomics and macroeconomic level. In a microeconomics perspective, it is evident through the occurrence of unemployment. Unemployment is perceived as a basic cause of inequitable distribution of income in an economy resulting in some group of citizens facing poverty while others enjoying abundance. On the other hand, inequality in a macroeconomics perspective is observed as nations differ in their endowment of economic resources. Some nations are endowed with abundant economic resources while others are left to suffer from their very minimal amount of resources. From both perspectives, we end up having two groups when we talk about our people or na tions of the world. Economic inequality results in poverty creating the divide between the rich and the poor. Poverty hinders economic growth and development. It is the root of the cause of problems such as health problems, economic distress, unemployment, and more importantly hunger. That is mainly the reason for economists and government policymakers all over the world to establish ways on alleviating if not completely eliminating poverty. With economic growth and development, there will be rising outputs and income; people are more able to meet their needs and wants. This also results in improved quality of life as greater opportunities are provided without sacrificing other opportunities and pleasures. A nation experiencing growth and development can resolve socioeconomic problems better and undertake new programs to alleviate poverty more readily without impairing existing levels of consumption, investment and public goods production (McConnell and Brue, 132). The level of econ omic growth and development of a country also reflects its position in the world economy. Countries are categorized as either developed or developing - the first being wealthy and the latter being poor. The wealthy group was composed of most of the Western European countries, Canada and the United States. Inhabitants of these regions lived (and still lived) in great affluence and consumed a large part of the world’s resources. The other group - Latin America, Asia, and Africa- was poor, underdeveloped and contained almost 75 percent of the world’s population (Appleyard and Field Jr, 381). World Bank characterized countries according to their incomes. In its annual World Development Indicators in 2000 and World Development Reports in 1999/2000, countries are grouped as low- income economies, lower-middle-income economies, upper-middle-income economies and high-income economies (World Bank, 251). Economists and government policymakers, especially those in developing coun tries began to look for reasons to explain this disparity and for ways to eliminate it. Poverty creates the disparity that is experienced by the people from developed and developing countries. There is a need to realize and address the issue of poverty especially in the continent of Africa. William Easterly worked on a paper entitled â€Å"Can the West Save Africa†

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Analysis of the Reptile Garden Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of the Reptile Garden - Essay Example When viewed in retrospect, it becomes evident that the incident of Anais getting locked in the garden room was of central importance to the development of her character, and to the different events that befell her later in her life. Although she denies this towards the end of the story, her ingestion of the drug and getting locked in the garden room was a transition point in he life. The most intriguing feature of this episode is the appearances of reptiles, followed by amphibians, that led to Anais getting scared and crying. Since the title of the story is also related to this garden room full of reptiles, this episode is of central importance to the story, so it would be discussed first. There could be several interpretations of this incident. The focus on the appearance of reptiles, with a subsequent transition to amphibians could denote the process of evolution from one species to the next, higher level of species. The writer could have used this approach to make an analogy for t he development and evolution of the Anais’ personality and character. This could be a way of depicting her growth as a person, and her development into the individual that she was meant to be. So she came out of that room a changed and evolved person, who was now had different aims and a different approach to life. Another explanation could simply be that Anais got terrified and disturbed due to her experience in the garden room; her loneliness, her exposure to animals, insects and other reptiles, her unhealthy condition due to the ingestion of the acid that was given to her by her cousin, and her sheer sadness that led her to weep alone in the room. Being subjected to such adverse experiences, she came out of that room a terrified and weak person, who was paranoid and always scared for her safety, since she â€Å"couldn’t stop shaking at the slightest unexpected movement† (Erdrich). This deterioration of her personality could have been the reason for her extrem e attachment to Nonette later, and even made her wonder why she got so weak when her parent’s love for her was so strong (Erdrich). A third interpretation of the episode could be that the incident broke her free from her habits, her compulsive attitude_ the evidence of which comes from her uncontrolled habit of cleaning the bathroom, even at midnight_ and the self-absorbing shell that she had encased herself into to keep the world at bay; and led her to experience new activities and desires that she had perhaps not allowed herself to experience before. It made her more reckless and carefree, and more spirited to live life in a manner different from what she was accustomed to and had been trained for. Perhaps the best explanation is the combination of the former two. It is evident that she was frightened by her experience in the garden room. Considering the emphasis placed on the appearances of the different animals, and the writer’s special mention of the appearance of first reptiles and then amphibians, it can be deduced that the Anais, after emerging from the room, had evolved into a scared, weak, and overall different person from a focused, stable individual who went into the room. The next intriguing event is Anais’ statement about Nonette, when she muses â€Å"

Monday, September 9, 2019

Women and the Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Women and the Law - Essay Example Furthermore, Section 2 of the Street Offences Act 1959 provides that where a woman is cautioned by a constable, in respect of her conduct in a street or public place, that if she persists in such conduct it may result in her being charged with an offence under section one of the Act, the woman, within fourteen clear days afterwards, must apply to a magistrates' court for an order directing that there is to be no entry made in respect of that caution in any record maintained by the police of those so cautioned and that any such entry already made is to be expunged. The court will make the order unless satisfied that on the occasion when she was cautioned she was loitering or soliciting in a street or public place for the purpose of prostitution. Such application made by a woman shall be by way of complaint against the chief officer of police for the area in which the woman is cautioned or against such officer of police as he may designate for the purpose in relation to that area or an y part of it. On the hearing of such complaint, the procedure shall be the same as if it were a complaint by the police officer against the woman. But unless the woman desires that the proceedings shall be conducted in public, an application will be heard and determined in camera. In the case of DPP v Bull,1 the trial court ruled that a male prostitute cannot be a common prostitute within the meaning of the Street Offences Act 1959 s. 1(1). Defendant was charged with being a common prostitute under the Street Offences Act 1959 s. 1(1). The magistrates' court dismissed the information against him on the ground that there was no case to answer since the section applied only to female prostitutes. The matter was appealed by way of case stated, contending that the language of the statute was not gender specific. On appeal, it was held that a male prostitute cannot be a common prostitute within the meaning of s. 1(1) which makes it an offence for a common prostitute to loiter or solicit in a street or public place for the purposes of prostitution since that section applies only to female prostitutes: R. v De Munck (Augusta) [1918] 1 K.B. 635 CCA. Thus, Topaz' conduct in operating as a prostitute on the corner of Boulsdon Street may expose her to a possible charge of soliciting or loitering for purposes of prostitution. It is noteworthy that landlady Rose may be prosecuted for brothel keeping and exploitation of prostitution. Under sections 33 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956 and 33A (as inserted by the Sexual Offences Act 2003) it is an offence to keep a brothel. "Keeping" includes managing or assisting in the management of the brothel. Also, the Sexual Offences Act 2003 makes it an offence for anyone to cause or incite a person to become a prostitute in any part of the world (section 52). Further, it is an offence

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble - Essay Example ect various age groups in our society, we fear the most for the young people in our society who, due to reckless abandon caused by their youthful enthusiasm for life, tend to place themselves in precarious situations. These dangerous situations are usually connected to their love of the fun time offered by a night life. As parents who fear for the safety of their children, a curfew placed upon their childs night time activities offers a semblance of protection for both parties. The idea being that if a child is home by a certain hour of the night, he or she will be able to avoid the pitfalls that often befall the adventurous teens at night. An analysis of the history and reasons behind the implementation of parental and citywide curfews reveal the details as to why these sectors find curfews an effective deterrent when it comes to keeping their children out of trouble: the night holds some unseen circumstances that children and teenagers may not be capable of dealing with at their current age. Therefore there needs to be some sort of system in place that can help protect them from the things that go bump in the night on public streets. Since teenagers these days can be really hot headed and emotional, it is important to make sure that they are in a safe place once night time sets in because as the night deepens, tempers may end up flaring in certain situations. It is saddening to note that curfews were not needed during the past eras in the United States. The night streets were safe places for them to hang out with their friends after dinner or on a Friday night so they can relax after a hectic school week. Teenagers were not always held in the grips of curfew mania as they are today. Newspaper articles from decades gone by have shown that there was a time in our country when it was safe for teenagers to go out and party at night. Schools did not need to have metal detectors at the gates, school dances were the highlight of the school year, and teenagers would go

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Karl Marx's Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Karl Marx's Theory - Essay Example In this documentary Spurlock exposes the ugly truths of one of America's biggest fast food corporations and shows how it knowing endangers the lives of its customers in order to make a profit. Spurlock conducts an experiment, and plays the part, of what the corporation would consider to be its best customer. He allows the corporation's advertising and portion suggestions to make his decisions for him, and in doing so eats the fast food for every meal for thirty days. By the end of his experiment Spurlock finds that he has gained twenty five pounds and doctors warn him that his health is in ruin. The fast food corporation used in the experiment didn't purposely try and kill Spurlock, but it's advertising and unhealthy food was the direct cause in Spurlock's health deteriorating into a downward spiral. Marx says: "The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from the under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, are its own grave diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable." The grave diggers Marx refers to in terms of Spurlock's experiment would be the exact same things that made the fast food corporation such a success in the fir... Therefore the corporation is responsible for its own demise. The grounding force behind the corporation's success is money. Marx's General Formula for Capital exposes how greed and a demand for profit can eventually drive a corporation into the ground. Marx argues when a corporation becomes so successful that it begins to exchange money for money instead of money for commodities that it destroys itself. When a corporation begins to buy in order to sell, it takes its first step towards demise. This exchange of money for money is never ending because according to Marx they "have the same vocations, to approach, by quantitative increase, as near as possible to absolute in wealth". The end result is money which in turn is also the beginning. Marx believes that the possessor of this money becomes the capitalist. Since the fast food corporation in "Supersize Me" encourages poor nutrition for a profit, it in turn makes an increasingly bigger profit for increasingly lesser valuable foods. The documentary brought Marxist ideas into modern society by showing that contemporary capitalism is not simply that it gives consumers what they want, but that it makes them want what it has to give. By advertising and offering food at a cheap price the fast food corporation forced itself upon its customers, making them want their products. Spurlock sums up his thoughts saying, "The bottom line, they're a business, no matter what they say, healthy food is good for you, they make millions, and no company wants to stop doing that." At the end of the documentary Spurlock asks his audience a question: "Who do you want to see go first, you or them" This question sums up Marx's thoughts on capitalism perfectly, showing that either way the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Essay Example for Free

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Essay My topic is a rally car made by the Japanese company Mitsubishi. This machine is considered one of the best rally cars in the world. And they are used as cars in our everyday life. The car I am going to be focusing on is the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution in Short Evo. The evolution is a racing car modern transportation car. | Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution short (evo) is a product of Japan. It was created as a separate branch to the lancer. The Evolution was intended as a Professional Rally car. The car turned out so well that there were numerous requests for a road car. The evolution was then turned into a sports sedan. The reason I love Evolution so much and would like others to know is because of the way the car was created. If for example you are a driver that loves a sporty car but has a family the Evolution is perfect it has five seats so that the whole family can go. The car is also 4by4 which means that it can go through stormy weather and the drive can feel confident. The Evolution has great prices as well so that means that you can get almost up to three hundred horsepower and a turbo for an affordable price. One of the reasons that the Evolution is so famous is for its handling it was created for rally racing which means that even though the sedan may be different it is still similar. The handling on an Evolution is one of the best in the world for a sedan. Due to the Gentlemen’s Agreement which stated in Japan that no production car would have more than 300 horsepower the Evolutions in Japan, Europe and North America some of the versions of the Evolution where different. In the future Mitsubishi is planning on making more Evolutions but it is still unclear about the look of the car. Mitsubishi claims that the car is going to have some medications and Versions of it might run on Electricity and there probably will be Hybrids. The Conclusion that I came up with is that if you are a family person but always wanted something sporty under $30,000 and something the whole family can go on this would be your choice. The car has magnificent handling and it is very safe. It has a very flashy look and enough power under the hood to keep you going for a long time. In my personal opinion if you have a family a two setter sports car would not go as good with the family, but a sports sedan would.

Friday, September 6, 2019

My First Skydiving Experience Essay Example for Free

My First Skydiving Experience Essay Jumping is fun! Skydiving is not just falling; it is flying—the closest we have been able to come to free, unencumbered, non-mechanical individual flight, says Mike Turoff in the book The Skydivers Handbook. I totally agree with him because skydiving provides the maximum liberty that one can ever experience. In this article, Id like to describe to you my first jump in order to show you how much fun skydiving is. First of all, I learned about skydiving via the Internet and TV. There are countless pages of information about skydiving on the Internet. My first jump was a part of the accelerated free fall (AFF). AFF is a course for training new skydivers which includes fourteen jumps. Even though it has fourteen jumps, you will always remember the first one! On the jump day, I went to the skydiving center at 8:30 in the morning. The AFF course started at 9:00. The course included basic parachute equipment information, free falling information, emergency procedures, parachute opening, canopy control, and finally landing information. We were only four people in the classroom. The AFF students studied all the necessary lessons to make a safe skydive. We used special equipment to study parachute equipment, canopy control, and landing. After seven long hours, at the end of the class, we took a written exam. We had to score 100% in order to pass the test. Everybody passed. Then came the gear-up part! We put on our diving overalls, parachutes, altimeters which are used to watch the altitude during the skydive, helmets, gloves and goggles. There were many professional skydivers around, and they were giving us a hard time with some traditional skydiving jokes. I myself was the first person from the class who was going to jump. The next step was boarding the airplane. We used a twin otter double engine aircraft. That was a large aircraft; at least twenty skydivers could get on that plane. I was sitting between two jumpmasters (skydiving instructors) and in front of a cameraman. At that moment, I started feeling extremely worried and excited. The jumpmasters were talking to me, asking questions about my feelings. During the planes take off, all I could say was, Wow! Then, I began watched my altimeter to see whether the altitude number was changing. I want to stop here to tell you something about the other skydivers on board. They were very relaxed although the aircraft was uncomfortable. Probably, I was the most frightened person on board. The others were telling jokes to each other and even drinking juice. Some of them were offering me candies and gum to celebrate my becoming a skydiver. In short, those guys were the craziest people that I have ever seen together. Can you imagine someone drinking orange juice just before jumping down from thirteen thousand feet? Well, thats what they did. The altimeter was working perfectly. Only that fact was able to make me smile a little bit, but I was also considering what I could do if my parachute didnt open! Finally, all the altimeters were saying thirteen thousand feet. The jumpers opened the door. I looked down and was able to see someone who had al ready jumped. Then, because of the cold air at that altitude, my goggles smoked up and I could hardly see anymore. After a few seconds, the smoke disappeared and I could see the airplane was empty. All the other skydivers had already jumped except for my jumpmasters and myself. They told me to stand up and walk toward the exit door. I felt pretty heavy and could hardly walk.This may have been because of the heavy jump suit and parachute equipment. As I approached the door, I felt colder and colder. My cameraman was outside of the plane, and the jumpmasters were holding me tightly for a safe, very first skydive. My jumpmasters and I did the exiting procedures and finally let ourselves go out of the airplane. Those were the most interesting and enjoyable seconds that I have ever experienced. For a few seconds, I had a sense of falling. Then, I noticed that we were falling faster and faster as the seconds passed. After a while, after about the first ten seconds, I could see my cameraman filming my free fall. I was supposed to do some air maneuvers to pass to the second AFF level. I did those. My jumpmasters were still holding me and waiting actively for any possible emergencies. There was no longer any sense of falling and speed. It was mostly like floating in the air and hearing the wind deep in your ears. I periodically checked my altimeter to see the proper altitude to pull my ripcord and open the parachute. The necessary altitude to pull it was 5,500 feet. At that altitude, I gave a 5-5 signal to my jumpmasters, and I pulled my ripcord. That was extremely enjoyable. My parachute opened fast, and I felt a little shocked. Once my canopy opened, I checked it for any malfunction. It was perfectly okay and stable. The canopy flight, of course, was much slower than the free fall. I could see the beautiful environment from thousands of feet above. Then I looked for the drop zone landing area and saw it behind the clouds. I flew my parachute to the drop zone and very smoothly landed on the ground. I was one of the successful students who were able to walk right after touching down, without falling. The 5-minute adventure was ended! I picked up my parachute and walked through the skydiving building. It was a sunny day. My friends and my family members celebrated the adventure for the rest of the day, and I decided to continue skydiving. Today, I am an AFF level four student with three successful jumps. However, of course, my first jump will always be the most enjoyable and unforgettable one. If I were you, I would not waste any more time. I would sign up for a very first jump as soon as possible. Once you try it, you will not be able to stop making jumps. At least, I have not been able to do so. I continue to go skydiving whenever I can. I would like to give one more personal message: Skydiving is a must-do activity, and everyone must try it at least once in his or her life. I guarantee you that it will be an unforgettable experience for you, too!